5 Hidden Downsides Of Acrylic Bathtubs Revealed

5 Hidden Downsides Of Acrylic Bathtubs Revealed
Posted by NACS | March 06, 2024

Acrylic bathtubs have become the talk of the town in recent years. There is a massive growth and exponential rise in the sales of these bathtubs due to cheaper prices and durability promises. However, there are many cases where customers have faced problems after purchasing and have raised complaints about the quality of these bathtubs.

Yes, there are some hidden disadvantages closely associated with acrylic bathtubs. In this blog, we are going to discuss the 5 major downsides that people commonly face after purchasing these bathtubs.

Major Disadvantages Of Purchasing Acrylic Bathtubs

1. Easy Stains

Acrylic bathtubs, despite being beautiful and durable, are not impervious to stains. It is one of the major downsides of these bathtubs. Intensive use and rough cleaning can lead to tough stains that spoil the overall charm and appearance of the bathtub. Due to having a solid acrylic overlay on the surface, these stains can't be removed easily and persist even after multiple treatments.

Furthermore, these stains can accumulate dirt and debris to make the scenario even worse. That's why we have to become extra careful when it comes to cleaning and maintenance of acrylic bathtubs. Otherwise, its shine will not last long.

2. Discoloration Issue

Acrylic bathtubs have a major issue of discolouration when exposed to certain cleansing agents and heat. If you are fond of taking hot baths, then unfortunately, acrylic bathtubs can't be an ideal choice for you. This is because recurring exposure to heat can be a potential reason for discolouration in these bathtubs.

Furthermore, the use of abrasive cleansers and rough scrub pads can also lead to damage to its original shine and cause a faded appearance. The gradual discolouration can ruin the aesthetic appeal of a bathtub and can leave only a dull acrylic tub in your bathroom. However, it can be prevented by taking simple precautions like taking hot baths at optimal temperatures and application of decent cleansers.

3. Limited Repair Option

Unlike porcelain or iron cast bathtubs, acrylic bathtubs are not easily accessible to repair or refurbishment. Deep scratches and cracks can cost a bunch of bucks to repair and regain the original charm. Despite having the ability to resist stains, once applied, it becomes almost impossible to get rid of it. Therefore, timely maintenance becomes very crucial for these bathtubs.

Significant damages like wear and tear on any part can be difficult to fix and can lead to the replacement of the entire bathtub. Thus, acrylic bathtubs sometimes can't match the level of dependability and longevity in comparison to other competitive options.

4. Low Durability

Acrylic bathtubs can present lucrative pricing options which can easily fit to your pockets. However, it has been reported by customers that bathtubs with lower price ranges either have durability issues or small lifespans. However, it's not a regular scenario but can be considered a harsh truth for the initial range of bathtubs.

Therefore, if you are looking for higher quality and standards that serve pleasant aesthetics with minimal durability issues then you have to purchase bathtubs from a reputable manufacturer. That's why acrylic bathtubs are not cost-effective for everyone.

5. Limited Design Options

Porcelain and cast iron bathtubs offer a wide range of design options in a cost-effective range. But acrylic bathtubs stay far behind in this race. You will find a subtle range of collections but not satisfy everyone's taste and desires. It has a limited scope of customization and can limit options for designing a unique bath space.

Acrylic bathtubs come in different sizes and shapes but have fewer variants when it comes to textures and colours. So, these bathtubs can disappoint you in design aspects.


In summary, purchasing acrylic bathtubs can be a potential loss in the future if you are not aware of the downsides. However, these disadvantages can be ignored, if you can choose the right brand and quality. Therefore, always look to buy from reputed brands and trustworthy manufacturers to get rid of such issues in future.